Our Single Integrated Software Platform for Federal Contractors

Our capture management, proposal management and IDIQ task order management software is designed to help government contractors (govcon) find capture, proposal and IDIQ task order automation solutions to even the most complex bid and proposal challenges.
Octant: An single integrated BD platform for GovConVideo: Capture Management OverviewWatch Proposal Management Video

Capture Plan, Capture Management, IDIQ Task Order Management and Proposal management software tools for govcon, sharepoint for proposal management and capture management

Configured to automate the way you work: Going beyond simple document sharing tools!

Octant provides innovative software AND support that help organizations of all types and sizes improve collaboration and performance. The combined capture management, proposal management and contract and IDIQ task order management software solutions work together to deliver the right information at the right time so that entire organizations can be more productive.

Specifically designed for government contractors (#GovCon) and large private-sector organizations, our software is configured to perform the way you work and optimize your output of your capture and proposal teams with your virtual proposal center (VPC) and with your teaming partners.

Solutions that you’ll love.

Manage teaming parters on contracts or task orders using Octant's proposal management system for Govcon using Sharepoint

Teaming partner

Sharepoint and Office 365 for Capture Plans, Capture Management and Proposal Management

Microsoft Office 365/ SharePoint

Bid proposal management software

Higher value than competing solutions.

Octant’s proposal management software platform works with and like the world’s leading business solutions, allowing your people to work within the applications they’re most familiar with AND within a role-tailored environment—reducing training, driving user adoption, and speeding processes for fast and ongoing return on investment.

Octant goes beyond simple plug-ins and basic meta-tag configurations of document collaboration systems with real off-the-shelf software with sophisticated features and proven business value.

With over a decade of development, you have access to the countless features of our amazing platform – AND perhaps more importantly, you also have direct access to our engineering and customer support teams for immediate support issues!