In this era of needing to produce more proposals with less time money and resources, saving budgeted dollars is always on your mind. You can rely on our enterprise proposal management software to give you centralized and integrated access to proposal assets so your teams can focus on delivering high quality proposals.
Octant: An integrated BD platform for GovConWatch Proposal Management VideoVideo: Capture Management Overview
In your proposal management world, imagine if you could:
The result these would mean that you will save time and money, as well as bring order to chaotic proposal environments. That what our Virtual Proposal Centers allow proposal teams to experience – to better manage your proposal processes, improve proposal compliance, and increase your proposal development efficiency – without burning our your proposal team. However, don’t just limit your scope to proposal management – but you can extend Octant into all parts of the full business development life-cycle.
We help you management all parts of the process: capture management, bid management, proposal management, contract deliverable management and IDIQ task order proposal management. Our software is designed to help you find automation solutions to even the most complex bid and proposal management challenges.